Ku-ring-gai's Australia Day Drive In

Ku-ring-gai residents are invited to join us this Australia Day for a free drive in screening of the recently released Aussie movie “Go".


05:30 PM - 10:30 PM

26 January 2021


St Ives Showground

St Ives Showground, 450 Mona Vale Road, St Ives, NSW, 2075

Organiser's website

Important Information


Free access

Bookings required

The movie “Go” is a thrilling family film about a boy who must overcome tremendous odds and his own recklessness to achieve his dream of winning the National Go Kart Championship.

Pack a picnic or choose some delicious street food from the amazing food trucks.

Bookings are essential and are open to Ku-ring-gai residents only. Book online at kuringgaiaustraliaday.eventbrite.com.au

This event is delivered by Ku-ring-gai Council

Location Map

Ku-ring-gai's Australia Day Drive In
Ku-ring-gai's Australia Day Drive In
Get directions

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