09:00 AM - 12:00 AM
26 January 2021
Slim Dusty Centre
Slim Dusty Centre, 490 Macleay Valley Way, South Kempsey , NSW, 2440
Important Information
Free access
Australia Day provides us all with a chance to celebrate our local heroes at the same time as we welcome our newest community members and reflect, respect and celebrate what it really means to be an Australian and all the things we love about our country.
Everyone in the community - residents and visitors alike - is invited to attend Kempsey Shire Council’s official Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony on Tuesday 26 January.
The ceremony is being held at the Slim Dusty Centre, commencing at 9:00am with a barbecue breakfast served by the amazing people from the Rotary Clubs in Kempsey and Kempsey West for the price of a gold coin donation.
The official ceremony will kick off at 10am and be opened with a traditional Welcome to Country and will include a performance by the Figtree Dancers, an address from our Australia Day Ambassador Dick Adams, the presentation of the Australia Day Awards and the first live citizenship ceremony to take place in the shire in 12 months.