NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards Toolkit
This page includes information and resources for local governments to use in promoting their local NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards program.
About the NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards
Our communities are brimming with outstanding individuals from volunteers to local sporting heroes to community legends, future leaders and eco-warriors.
The NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards are designed to celebrate the achievements of these remarkable community members in the following award categories:
Award Category | Suggested Criteria |
Citizen of the Year | All nominees considered. Couples/ joint nominees may be considered in exceptional circumstances. |
Young Citizen of the Year | Nominees aged 16 - 30 years considered. Councils may wish to lower the age to capture nominations from schools. |
Sportsperson of the Year | All individuals considered. Councils may choose to consider nominations for 'Sports Teams'. |
Australia Day Award | All nominees considered |
Environmental Citizen of the Year | All nominees considered. Councils may choose to consider nominations for 'Community Groups'. |
Young Environmental Citizen of the Year | Nominees aged 16 - 30 years considered. Councils may wish to lower the 'age' and accept 'Groups/ Classes' to capture nominations from schools. |
* Please note the Environmental Citizen of the Year Awards are no longer a sponsored program, there are no longer state level award recipients and prizes.
Other Suggested Guidelines
- In the spirit of community and inclusiveness nominations should be open to all, and nominees do not have to be Australian Citizens.
- Councils may choose to adapt the suggested criteria and guidelines, so they are relevant to their local community.
- Councils may consider presenting additional Award categories to reflect the specific achievements in their community. ie Volunteer of the Year, Senior Citizen of the Year etc
- Self- nominations are discouraged. Nominations should be endorsed and reference/s included.
- One nomination is sufficient to be considered, the number of nominations received per nominee should not bear weight to their assessment.
- Councils may consider nominations to be awarded for a category other than the one they have been nominated for.
- Awards should not be granted posthumously; however the Council may wish to recognise and honour a recipient by adding a posthumous award category for that year.
- Sitting members of state, federal, local government and vice regal officers should not be eligible. Councils should consider other ways to recognise such achievements for their community ie a special or honorary award presented for that particular year.
Administering the Awards
Councils are responsible for administering and promoting their Local Citizen of the Year Awards program.
Each Council determines the Award nomination period. We would recommend that Councils consider opening nominations no later than 30 September as this will provide the community sufficient time to be aware of the awards and nominate.
There are many ways Councils can encourage and promote the 'Call for Nominations' from their community including:
- Identifying local groups that will either nominate or help build awareness of the Awards (or both). These may include schools, libraries, community centres, businesses, clubs, local journalists, media outlets, volunteers and other community groups.
- Sending information on the Awards and details on how to nominate to these groups.
- Making it easy to nominate by having a webpage for the Awards, creating an online Award nomination form on your website and housing FAQ's.
- Building awareness of the Awards and the nomination period via posts on your social media channels, link your webpage so nominations can be submitted with only a click away (see example posts below)
- Announcing the opening of nominations in local media (see media release template below)
- Reaching out to previous Award recipients to support the nomination period by:
- providing quotes for promotional activities.
- raising awareness by posting a 'call for nominations' on their social media channels (or other).
Judging the Awards
Each Council convenes a panel to judge the Awards at the end of the nomination period. We would recommend judging take place by mid-December ahead of the Local Government office shutdown period.
The integrity of the Awards is best supported by an independent and respected judging panel.
It is recommended that Council invites community representatives to sit on the judging panel to assess the nominations. In shortlisting and assessing the nominations, the panel may consider the below.
Their story:
- Does the nominee have a compelling story which will inspire others and community engagement?
- Does the nominee's story make you feel proud to be Australian and part of the community?
- Did the nominee overcome obstacles or make sacrifices?
- Did the nominee demonstrate leadership, innovation and creativity?
- Do they display the qualities of a role model for the community?
- Did the nominee contribute to the recognition and development of the community and/ or local economy?
Their work:
- Is their work recent? If no, regard can be given to new, relevant and other timely achievements in the past year.
- Did the nominee’s work mainly benefit the community or the individual?
- Did the nominee go above and beyond their normal or paid employment duties?
- Was the nominee a volunteer?
- Were the achievements the work of an individual or a team?
- How does their work or contributions compare to others in the same field? What was the degree of difficulty?
- Are there any supporting statistics, pictures and references of the nominee’s contribution or work?
- Has the nominee received financial or other assistance from council, government or grants programs?
- Does the nominee meet all eligibility requirements. Are there any conflicts of interest?
Their future goals:
- What are the nominee’s future goals and the likely impact of their work?
- Consider availability, willingness and commitment to promote the community, national pride and active citizenship throughout the year if awarded.
The panel will convene to determine the Local Citizen of the Year Awards finalists and winners. Generally, the winners remain confidential until they are announced on Australia Day.
Promoting Award Finalists and Recipients
Leading up to Australia Day
In the period leading up to Australia Day and announcing the recipients (winners), there is an opportunity to generate further interest in the Awards by promoting all the finalists and showcasing their contributions and inspirational stories to the community.
We recommend Councils consider:
- Featuring Award finalists and recipients on Council communications platforms including, website, social media, EDM's and other.
- Issuing a media release for local media to profile the finalist and support the announcement of the recipients on Australia Day.
After Australia Day and throughout the Year
Councils are encouraged to engage with Award recipients throughout the year to continue to promote their stories and achievements. To maximise participation:
- Promote and organise for Award recipients to speak at community events and schools throughout the year.
- Nominate the Local NSW Citizen of the Year recipients for other Awards such as:
- Australian of the Year Awards: Nominations are open year-round and close 31 July for the following year. Submit Nominations for 2026 online at www.australianoftheyear.org.au/nominate
- NSW Women of the Year Awards: Nominations are generally open from August - September for the following year. Submit Nominations for 2026 online at www.nsw.gov.au/women-nsw/awards-and-events
- NSW Government Community Service Award: Each Member of Parliament is entitled to nominate and present 2 NSW Government Community Service Awards and plaques on behalf of the Premier each calendar year. Awards recognise significant services and contributions to the community. Submit Nominations by email, attaching relevant supporting materials and links for consideration to the office of your Local Member of Parliament.
- Multicultural Community Medals: Multicultural NSW presents community awards in over 10 categories from business, arts, regional unity to languages and community services. Submit Nominations online at www.multicultural.nsw.gov.au/multicultural-community-medals
- Inviting previous Award recipients to present or assist in presenting the Award to their successors at the Awards Ceremony on Australia Day.
Certificate artwork and tips on printing are now available for download!
Media Resources and Templates
Media Release Template
Simply copy the template media release below into a new Word document and fill it out with information about your local awards and presentation event.
[insert LGA logo]
2025 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards call for nominations
[LOCAL COUNCIL] is searching for the NSW Local Citizens of the Year for Australia Day 2025.
Our community is full of upstanding individuals from volunteers to sporting heroes to community legends, future leaders and eco warriors who merit recognition for their work in our communities and regions.
Do you know someone who has done countless volunteer hours, is a role model or an unsung hero? Someone who has an outstanding achievement in their work, studies, sports or organises initiatives in your neighbourhood that deserves to be recognised?
[LOCAL COUNCIL] and the Australia Day Council of NSW invite your nominations for the 2025 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards. Awards are open in the following categories:
- [Insert LGA’s local award categories]
- [Citizen of the Year]
- [Young Citizen of the Year]
- [Sportsperson of the Year]
- [Australia Day Award]
- [Environmental Citizen of the Year]
- [Young Environmental Citizen of the Year]
The awards for [LOCAL COUNCIL] will be presented at an official ceremony on Australia Day, 26 January 2025 [or amend date as applicable] at [LOCATION].
The awards allow us to recognise the contributions of inspirational individuals make a difference to their local community each year.
For more information on how you can nominate a member of your local community for the NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards, please contact [LOCAL COUNCIL].
For information, images and interview requests for nominees and award recipients, please contact:
Social Media Post Templates
The following social media posts will make it easy for you to create discussion in the lead-up to Australia Day.
Feel free to tailor them to your local government area’s ‘tone of voice’.
Milestone 1: Nominations open
[Local Council] is searching for the 2025 NSW Local Citizens of the Year!
Nominate someone who’s doing something extraordinary and deserves to be recognised in our community. Find out more and nominate at [insert link]
Do you know someone who’s doing something extraordinary in [Local Council]? Nominate them for our 2025 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards! [insert link]
Milestone 2: One week until nominations close
There’s only one week left to nominate someone in [Local Council] for the 2025 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards.
We’re looking for volunteers, eco-warriors, sportspeople, community leaders, local heroes or anyone else going above and beyond to make [Local Council] a great place to live.
Nominate Now! Find out more at [insert link]
Don’t forget to nominate a [Local Council] hero for the 2025 NSW Citizen of the Year Awards. Nominations close on [insert date] [insert link]