Download the Australia Day in NSW Logo
Councils are welcome to download and use the Australia Day in NSW Logo's.
Please note that the NSW Government brand was updated some years ago to communicate more consistently with our audience. As a result, the Australia Day logo that has the name of your local area included within it is no longer to be used.

Old logo with council name
Instead, please use the Australia Day in NSW logo alongside your own local council logo - see example below.

Australia Day in NSW logo and local council logo
If you have any existing assets with the old logo, please remove the old logos from your documents, branding and printed and other assets.
By understanding and applying these new logos, you can help us maintain consistency and continue to communicate Australia Day key messages and branding across NSW in a united way.
Download the Australia Day in NSW logos (ZIP, 79KB)
National Australia Day Council Logos and Assets
The National Australia Day Council provides local councils with free 'Australia Day' and 'Reflect Respect Celebrate' artwork to help you produce signage, assets and other branded items for your Australia Day events including print ready artwork for pull up banners, lectern signs, selfie frames, media walls and many more.
National Australia Day Council Free Artwork
Australia Day Merchandise
Our colleagues from the Australia Day Council of South Australia have a range of Australia Day Merchandise available for purchase.
Items include lapel pins for Citizen of the Year award recipients, blank medallions ready to be engraved, flags wavers, 'Reflect Respect Celebrate' banners, posters, bunting, gifts and many more ready to be shipped.
* Please note that certificate artwork defers from state to state.
ADCSA Australia Day Merchandise Shop