Browse the Aussie Slang Dictionary
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Uncool / not fashionable
Those track pants are so daggy. travel bug
To suffer from bad stomach complaint
After that vindaloo last night I was left damaging the doulton for ages Ryan Sorensen
uze is all dardy, unna tom beyer
toilet paper
oh no! we're out of date roll Mark Whitton
short for the name Darren
oi dazza Ryan Sorensen
Tomato sauce
What's for lunch? Dog's eyes and dead 'orse [meat pies and tomato sauce]. George R. Smith
Deliver what was promised.
Yeah they always deliver the goods, even if they're finding it a little tricky! Diana Borthwick
Derived from the word 'derelict'. Means an unkept person.
Get a job you bloody derro! Damien Bond
To be devastated or upset about something.
I'm sick mate, and won't make it to the party tonight. Totally devo. Sophia Robinson
An authentic afternoon tea made up of Devonshire Tea, Scones, Cream and Jam
This arvo I'm off out with the family to enjoy a lovely Devonshire!! Gavin
Australian soldier
The digger's fought in world war 2 Lorelei
Yeah mate it's dinki-di, I've got one myself! Phillip Cassar
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Got some dirty bird for dinner.... Ryan Sorensen
Term given to kitchen staff who wash the dishes
How many dish lickers have we got tonight? Ryan Sorensen
Usually means a canine/dog.
The dish lickers ate the roast, while it was defrosting on the table! (The bloody dogs ate our roast.) I done me dough on the dish lickers last night! (I lost money betting on the Greyhound races.) Moose Robinson
When an underdog comes from behind, against all odds, to snatch an unexpected victory, usually due to an element of luck or good fortune.
Did you see Wazza pull off a Bradbury in that race? Nathan Hackett
To do absolutely nothing
I'm going to do bugger all this weekend, been a bloody busy week! Lindsay Wilkes
Run away
He did the bolt before I could speak to him! Ryan Sorensen
Get away from somewhere with speed
Once I realised that, I did the Harold Holt! Ryan Sorensen
To throw a tantrum
They do their nut over that! Ryan Sorensen
Aussie slang for "going bananas" or tantrum.
They got so angry they did their 'nana! Ryan Sorensen
Explode with rage
Don't do ya' block said Davo' to his fiance when he was late for their wedding. Gavin Begbie
any other chicken franchise
Just had some dodgy bird, I'm full mate. Ryan Sorensen
A mess
First of all you're going to clean up your room, it looks like a dog's breakfast! Jarrod Whitfield
Meat pie
'Goin' down the corner shop for a dog's eye" Ryan Sorensen
It is not the biggest problem in the world
Hey mate, its only a scratch, don't get off ya bike about it Dimity Jessup
Not having any idea who someone is
That guy over there? I don't know him from a bar of soap Susie Williams
Don't exaggerate a situation into more than it is.
Its no big deal, she's just making a mountain out of a mole hill. joanne hodder
over and done with, finished, completed
That's all finished, done like a dinner. joanne hodder
Term used at cessation of job, life and various other situations.
He's done the dash in that job mate. Ryan Sorensen
Engine of a car or truck
My new Holden's got a V8 donk. Robin Wiley
Riding pillion on a push bike
Jack gave me a double up to the pub. Kevin Burton
A phrase used when someone is fired up or angry.
Down Bessy! You need to calm down. Ellie Jarvis
Wasted effort, to go down the drainpipe.
We got a bit of a bum steer, now the whole thing is down the gurgler. Rebecca Johnston
term given to someone who does something of silly nature
What did you do that for ya drongo! Ryan Sorensen
Someone who isn't very smart and hasn't made it very far in life.
Some dropkick squashed a pie on my seat. Peter Arnold
Extreme thirst
My throat is as dry as a dead dingo! Ryan Sorensen
the best / same as "cat's pyjamas" or "bee's knees"
these were the duck's guts when they first came out George R. Smith
I'm just going to duck into the dunny, be out in a sec. Andrew Grainger
Aussie slang for a cigarette
Just going out the back for a durry. Sean Royce